Characteristics of meaningful learning environments:
- Active
- Collaborative
- Constructive
- Authentic
- Goal-directed
Levels of technology integration:
- Entry
- Adoption
- Adaptation
- Infusion
- Transformation
I am rethinking how my technology-related rubrics are worded to make them more understandable and meaningful than just giving a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Wouldn't a student appreciate being told they are in the Adoption stage of technology, rather than that they earned a 2? The descriptions of the levels of integration lead a teacher or student to believe they are on a continuum, and that they will one day achieve Transformation, and that it is an achievable goal for everyone.
As a Technology Integration Peer Coach next year, I will be using this matrix to help me begin conversations with teachers about where they are starting and where they want to be. I do not expect that everyone will be at the Transformation stage (I am not convinced that I am at that stage yet, but I am striving for it every day). I appreciate that there are clear objectives and procedures as examples for different subject areas, including videos. For teachers who work mostly in isolation, just seeing a lesson modeled sometimes gives them the confidence they need to try something new.
I continue to study this matrix, and find new treasures every time I dig around through the links. I can't take it all in at once, but know it will be a key tool for me as I am acting as a peer coach next year. Even if I wasn't a formal peer coach, I would use this in my planning with teachers. My goal is to track teachers throughout the year and hope to see some growth across the matrix. We will start small, in one or two subject areas, but hope to see that spread throughout their teaching over the next few years.
I will create a pre and post survey tool for teachers this next year, hoping to gain some insight into their knowledge of themselves as regards to technology integration. At the end of the year I will survey teachers again along the lines of this matrix and hope to see growth. I will share that tool here as I complete it over the summer.